Is There A Baptism of The Holy Spirit After Salvation?

What is a Subsequent Baptism to salvation, second baptism, or also called a second blessing referring to?  Simply stated, it is a second spiritual event that takes place after and separate from the moment of salvation where an individual is overcome by the Holy Spirit and exercises spiritual gifts for the first time.  But does the Bible support this and explicitly state A Second Baptism event after salvation?  In this article we will see what Holy Scripture says about the moment of salvation and being baptized by The Holy Spirit.

  First lets look at where the baptism of the Holy Spirit is revealed and predicted.

John The Baptist is given the eternal honor of disclosing this future truth in Mark 1:8 where he states “I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”.  Then Jesus reiterates what John The Baptist stated in Acts 1:5 when he said “for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”.  Then, not many days later, it happens (Acts 2:1–4).  

We are not discussing ‘re-baptism’ and if getting water baptized a second time is valid or not; but if you notice John The Baptist only baptized Jesus once.  In those days, those who were baptized, where only baptized once.  The word used in Mark 1:8 is speaking of a singular past tense baptismal event.  The same singular verb is used for when the Holy Spirit conducts the event.

What does being baptized by the Holy Spirit do?

John used water to symbolize being reborn and made clean in a tangible physical way; therefore God will use the Holy Spirit to actually birth new life and cleanse of sin in the absolute spiritual way.

First Corinthians 12:12–13 

First Corinthians is a foundational passage for understanding the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Paul states “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of
the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink
“.  Paul was speaking to not just the church in Corinth but every believer; “we were all baptized“.  Paul would have no idea if every single believer had a later experience with the Holy Spirit.  Yet, he was absolutely confident that without knowing if there was a later second event, that ALL believers were baptized still.  So if every believer shared this baptism then the single common event was the moment of salvation, being born again, spiritually alive, and sins forgiven.  Thus, just from this we can conclude that ALL people who are truly saved, are baptized by the Holy Spirit and adopted by God into the Body of Christ- all without a second later event.  Paul continues this understanding in Romans 6:1-4 where he associates this baptism with salvation.

Ephesians 4:4-6 

In Ephesians, Paul makes it absolutely clear there is only one single spiritual baptism event.  Clearly he is not talking about water baptism because all that he is talking about is spiritual.  “There is Eph 2:16

” data-resourcename=”esv” href=”” rel=”popup”>one body and Eph 2:18

” data-resourcename=”esv” href=”” rel=”popup”>one Spirit—just as you were called to the one Eph 1:18